Cosmic Consciousness at the Oriental Institute

Cosmic Consciousness is being installed.

Cosmic Consciousness is a series of two paintings on canvas, Veil and Cassiopeia. Each piece is 10 x 20 feet in size. They were fist exhibited as part of an art exhibit commissioned by the Rockefeller Memorial Chapel (University of Chicago) in 2013. They were installed at the Oriental Institute (University of Chicago) on August 14, 2017. The exhibit was up until September 30, 2017.

These re-installed art works appeared in a building located on the same city block as where they were originally exhibited. Truly astounding!

Further information about these pieces can be found in the art gallery section of this website.

Since 1937, when the Oriental Institute was established, Henry Breasted’s portrait has been hanging in Breasted Hall. He is the founder of the Institute. For this exhibit, his portrait had to be taken down, for the first time.

This entry was posted in Cosmic Consciousness, Environmental Installations, Neoconceptual Art.