Sybil’s Mind: Blue at the University Club of Chicago

Sybil’s Mind: Blue, a recently completed piece, has been selected for an exhibit at the University Club of Chicago. This is a premier organization in Chicago, located across Michigan Avenue from the Art Institute of Chicago.

Established in 1887 by university graduates who wanted a special place where they could enjoy intellectual pursuits, the University Club of Chicago was founded for the purpose of fostering an appreciation of literature and the arts. College or university graduation remains the basic requirement for membership, and within the membership nearly every business and profession is represented. 

In this piece, I interwove a photograph of Sybil’s home in rural Minnesota, which I visited in 1980. She had dissociative identity disorder (then called multiple personality disorder) and was the subject of two major motion pictures (1976 and 2007).

The exhibit is March 12 through April 9, 2018. Opening reception is Monday, March 12, 5:30 to 7:00 PM. All are invited to attend this festive event. Admission is free.

University Club of Chicago

76 East Monroe Street

Chicago, IL 60603



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