Radio interviews

  In relation to the ongoing Sybils: Cycles of Memory exhibit at the Stevanovich Institute on the formation of Knowledge, University of Chicago, and the dedication of the atrium of this newly restored building in the honor of my wife and myself, I was interviewed by two Chicago radio stations.

WDCB, The Arts Section

          90.9 FM, Glen Ellyn – Chicago; 90.7 FM, Chicago’s West Loop

          Public Radio from College of DuPage;  Aired June 2, 2019

          The seven-minute interview with Gary Zidek starts at 51:00:

          Podcast link:


          WLPN 105.5 FM with hosts Ryan Peter Miller, Brian Andrews and Duncan Mackenzie

          From the Bad at Sports (B@S) website:

          “B@S can be tricky to describe: it acts as a curious investigator, an archivist, oral historian, and occasionally as a provocateur. We produce content that lies somewhere on the Venn diagram of art, journalism, media, intellectualism, and all the naughty bits. We represent artists and their art world through an archive that is text, audio, physical, ephemeral, historical, and constantly evolving through ongoing and unique projects.”

          “B@S now features over 20 principal collaborators and is a weekly podcast, a series of objects, events, and a daily blog produced in Chicago, San Francisco, and New York City that features artists and art worlders talking about art and the community that makes, reviews and participates in it.”

          I was told that between the live airing, syndication, and podcast, B@S has a listener base of over 2 million.

          Episode 692: Audrius Plioplys, by Duncan

          Aired live May 29, 2019; June 5, 2019—Podcast

          “This week we welcome Chicago-based contemporary artist Audrius Plioplys, practicing neurologist and visual artist for more than 40 years, talks brain, soul, string theory, convergence, and art. We start with his exhibition at the Stevanovich Institute on the Formation of Knowledge at the University of Chicago and lost in the hallways of the mind.”

          Podcast link:

This entry was posted in Environmental Installations, Neoconceptual Art.