On permanent display at the University of Chicago

With Macol Cerda we finished the permanent installation of the Columns of Thought at the University of Chicago’s Stevanovich Institute on the Formation of Knowledge. The atrium is named after my wife, Sigita, and myself. Through the glass windows, the changing colors are visible day and night. The front windows of this building overlook the central quadrangle of the University.

One of the two pieces looking outward deals with Franz Kafka’s law (his portrait appears at the top of the piece along with excerpts from The Trial). The second one deals with one of my own dreams in which I dreamt of being robbed at the exactly same moment as my daughter Milda was actually robbed in Milan, Italy.

The two pieces looking inward deal with Samuel Beckett (his portrait appears at the top of the piece along with excerpts from Waiting for Godot) and Sigmund Freud’s Interpretation of Dreams.

This entry was posted in Environmental Installations, Neoconceptual Art.