During the opening of the art exhibit and fashion show at the Lithuanian Center, Chicago, Illinois, April, 2022
The Lithuanian marathon of my art exhibits and presentations starts soon. This year it is limited to only four events. This past September there were nine! So, for 2022 it is a mini-marathon. You are most welcome to attend any or all of these adventures.
Netrukus prasideda Lietuvoje mano meno eksponatų ir pristatymų maratonas. Šiais metais apsiriboju tik keturiais renginiais. Praėjusį rugsėjį jų buvo devyni! Taigi, 2022 m. yra mini-maratonas. Kviečiu dalyvauti šiuose renginuose.
100% pure silk scarves, 140 x 140 cm. (55 x 55 in.) are available at www.SilkNeuroArt.com
6 / 10 Friday 18:00
Marijampolės kultūros centras
Vilkaviškio g. 2
Art exhibit, fashion show, inspired multi-media presentation „Šilko NeuroMenas / Silk NeuroArt”
6 / 12 Sunday 16:00
Virbalis Evangelical Lutheran Church
Gedimino g. 25A
Art exhibit and fashion show „Šilko NeuroMenas / Silk NeuroArt”
6 / 15 Wednesday 14:00
Lietuvos Gyventoju Genocido ir Rezistencijos Tyrimo Centras
Aukų g. 2a
Art exhibit and PowerPoint lecture „Sibiro Sielos / Siberia Souls”
6 / 17 Friday evening until daybreak
Varnupių Piliakalnis / Sacred Mound
Piliakalnio g.
Celebration of the Summer Solstice next to the art installation „Atminties raštai / Memory Notes”
Image below:
Silk wraps on display at the Virbalis Lutheran Church during the art exhibit and fashion show, September 2021