NeuroArt review on Lithuanian TV

Giedrė Gorienė, of the “Hot Commentary” TV program, interviewed me. This was in Vilnius, Lithuania. During this presentation, I reviewed my NeuroArt accomplishments. I had given this PowerPoint presentation a few days earlier at the Lithuanian Library of Medicine. After the interview, Giedrė modeled my silk wrap “Neuronal Symphony”.

The entire interview can be seen on YouTube by clicking HERE. The presentation is in Lithuanian.


Mane davė interviu Giedrė Gorienė iš televizijos laidos „Karštas komentaras“. Šio pristatymo metu apžvelgiau savo NeuroMeno pasiekimus. Šį PowerPoint pristatymą buvau skaitęs prieš kelias dienas Lietuvos medicinos bibliotekoje. Po interviu Giedrė sumodeliavo mano šilko skraiste „Neuronal Symphony“. Vilnius, Lietuva.

Visą interviu galite pamatyti YouTube paspaudę ČIA. Pristatymas lietuvių kalba.

This entry was posted in Neoconceptual Art.