History repeats itself

Last night I went to a local historical society lecture about the houses in this neighborhood.

Half an hour into the presentation, an elderly man, sitting in front of me, passed out. I immediately helped to revive him until the ambulance came and took him to the hospital.

Six weeks ago, a similar incident occurred on my flight back to Chicago.

After medical school and residency, in my entire medical career, I have never had to provide urgent critical medical care. And now twice in six weeks! Amazing!

I don’t know what happened to the Ukrainian gentleman we left in Reykjavík, but this man recovered consciousness and seemed to be going well as the paramedics took him away.

I can’t seem to get away from medicine. What will happen in the future?


Vakar vakare ejau i vietines istorijos draugijos paskaita apie sio rajono namu istorija.

Pusvalandziui praejus, vyresnio amziaus vyras, sedintis pries mane, prarado samone. Man reikejo iskart jam padėti ir atgaivinti iki kol greitoji pagalba atkeliavo ir nuveze ji i ligonine.

Pries sesias savaites buvo panasus įvykis lektuve skrendant atgal i Cikaga.

Po medicinos mokyklos ir rezidentūros, per visa mano medecinine karjera, man niekada neteko parupinti sitokios kritines pagalbos. O dabar du kartus per sesias savaites! Nuostabu!

As nezinau kas atsitiko su tuo Ukrainieciu kuri palikome Reikjavike, bet šis vyras atgavo samone ir atrodė kad viskas iseis gerai.

Atrodo kad negaliu atsitraukti nuo medicinos. O kas bus ateityje?

This entry was posted in Neoconceptual Art.