The Lithuanian Research and Studies Center and I donated several of my large-scale paintings to the Marijampole Vocational Training Center. The red piece is called “Reciprocal Altruism / Shelter / Memory”, and a copy of […]
Monthly Archives: July 2024
Winners of “When Thoughts Speak” art exhibit
I selected my personal favorite three paintings from the children’s’ art exhibit “When Thoughts Speak”. This exhibit recently took place at the Marijampole Cultural Center in Lithuania. Last month I had a chance to meet […]
“Pianissimo” on permanent display at the Marijampole Creativity Center
Earlier this month, the Lithuanian Research and Studies Center, Chicago, Illinois, and I donated two of my large-scale paintings on canvas, “Pianissimo” and “Subito Forzando” to the Marijampole Students’ Creativity Center. These pieces were mounted […]
Ramute Plioplys “Sodas” donated to the Lithuanian National Museum
My sister, Ramute Plioplys, devoted a large portion of her life to making her own versions of Lithuanian folk art. Earlier this month I formally donated her hand-made “sodas” to the Lithuanian National Museum in […]
Culture / Center / Memory on permanent display
This past month, my 12-foot wide painting on canvas, Culture / Center / Memory, was formally donated to the Marijampole Cultural Center in Lithuania. It is on permanent display in this building. It deals with […]
World Health Organization becoming a purely political entity
A week ago, while in Vilnius, Lithuania, I was interviewed on Komentaras TV about the WHO’s recent World Health Assembly. During this meeting their primary statutes were changed, using a clandestine “voting” system. These changes […]