This set of works deals with a continuation of my photographic investigations of the thought process. These thoughts revolve around immigration issues. This set of 12 images is divided between the two locations in the US. Six of the works are from Jamestown Settlement in Virginia. Jamestown is the first permanent settlement in North America established by British settlers. This set of images contrasts with six works from Gila River Indian Reservation, near Phoenix, Arizona, where during World War II, 16,000 Japanese American Immigrants were interned.
Besides the obvious difference in the way recent immigrants were treated in these two locations, there is another dimension to these works. In both cases, land from Native Americans was simply appropriated without any request or compensation. In Jamestown, the British settlers simply appeared and built their houses. In Gila River, the US Army simply appeared and built a concentration camp, violating all federal treaties with the Native Americans.
All of the images are Fujichrome prints with applied transfer lettering, and are 11 inches by 14 inches in size.
Addendum: On September 13, 1996, the location of the first fort built in the US was announced. Excavations at the Jamestown Settlement in Virginia revealed the actual location of the first fort built by settlers in 1607. The photographs in this series were taken in March, 1996, immediately adjacent to the site of the fort. The opening of this art exhibit, at the Balzekas Museum in Chicago, took place, quite remarkably, on September 13, 1996.